Month: May 2013

When is a Lion not a Leo?


I must be some sort of Astrology anomaly.  My horoscopes are never close.  Not even by a hair. And for the most part, I don’t even fit most of a Leo’s characteristics. Once upon a time many years ago, I used to read my horoscope religiously, always disappointed with the outcome.  I ever only read them now for entertainment purposes.   I’m not even sure why I decided to look at mine today, but the whim caught me.  I found a site I used to peruse many years ago and was not surprised to find it was still in existence. The popularity of Astrology will never vanish as it is a true road to hope for many.  This site in particular does a monthly forecast for each sign and here is what mine had to say (in a nutshell).

In the month of May I was going to find my true love or a commitment to someone I am already with (1), get a raise or promotion (2) and another horoscope said I would  come into a large amount of money, after dealing with a financial crisis (I write/edit for a living, I’m always in a financial crisis lmao).  The topic of true love and an influx of cash seemed to be a very prevalent theme in most of the horoscopes I looked at for Leo. (after finding this one, I decided to compare it to a few others) Grain of salt, right?  Although, there is still a couple days left in the month.  Maybe the stars will prove me wrong. 😉   Seriously, not holding my breath.

(1)(a) “Lunar eclipses usually bring a sense of urgency to make a decision, so if you are dating, you will see your relationship change and move forward suddenly. If you are in love, you may be talking about a commitment in the future.”

(1)(b) “One of your most festive and romantic days of the month, possibly of the year, will be when Venus links to Jupiter on May 28.”  May 28th is apparently the day, don’t miss your opportunity.  (lol)

(2) “If you’ve been anxious to get a promotion or an offer for a new position, the planets are lining up to help you in a big way. If you already have a position you love, or are self-employed, this month will allow you to score a major victory, perhaps by bringing in a new client or achieving a very difficult task. You will hear praise and applause – whatever is going on, it’s sure to thrill you.”

When a love poem is really a poem about love…

I’ve been working on a piece, off and on for about a week now. At first it felt like the beginnings of a love poem and this felt odd. I don’t write love poems. I write about relationships, love and everything that goes with it. The more I worked on the piece, the more I realised I was right. It was a poem about love and a love that is very dear to my heart.

As I write, I edit verbally. Meaning, I read the piece out loud and when spoken if it doesn’t flow, I know it needs work. I’ve been having a lot of trouble editing this piece because every time I read it out loud I get choked up. I want to submit this piece, but it’s too raw in it’s current state. How does one get around this? Aside from that, will I ever be able to compose myself enough to read it in front of others?

I’m going to put it aside for a few days. And when I’m feeling brave enough, will hopefully be able to complete it. I know when I started it, it needed to be birthed and I will see it through till the cutting of the umbilical cord. Maybe then I can also let go of this heaviness that has attached itself to it.

‘you’re not #disabled enough’

A absolutely wonderful review from Duncan Armstrong!


Lizzie Violet hosted anther sensation Cabaret Noir at Q Space. A perfect high-octane Mother(F**ker)s Day with stomping sets by Cathy, Vanessa & Kirsten. I made sure I got into the first set of open stagers before the features pulverized the audience. I’ve heard them all before but am always happy to hear them again & again.

wood choppers ball

With open stagers from Chicago, audience from Australia, Noir has in three short months made its presence felt. The show kicked off with a rocking short set by Nelson Sobral. His Missile song had me thinking of Delta Bravo. I did three of the April pieces, including Golden Days (because it is about my mother).

First feature Vanessa McGowan did an amazing, emotionally raw set. She digs deep into her personal history without flinching. Her direct delivery was pitch-perfect in frankness, never strident and peppered with songs sung with a tenderness one…

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A Synapsis of Poetry: May 6-12, 2013

Cytopoetics Events

Moving right along … the cold winter and the unnaturally cool spring have finally yielded to patios, sunshine and many other unmistakable indications that summer, finally, is just around the corner. In some ways, it makes us want to break out and be in nature. But truly, what could be more natural for the beautiful, educated and intriguing humans you must be than checking out Toronto’s spoken word and poetry slam scene? After all, you’re reading this blog, which puts you among the best informed participants in the local arts scene. Why should I keep you a moment longer from finding out what you need to know for this week, you ask? Well, I shouldn’t! So here it is:


The Mississauga Arts Council presents the Rebel Talent Show where youth will showcase their talent in support of positive mental health. The show is at the Noel Ryan Auditorium 

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